Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee


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Meeting 134
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Meeting 133

Meeting 132
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Meeting 131

Meeting 130

Meeting 129

Meeting 128

Meeting 127

Meeting 126

Meeting 125

Meeting 124

Meeting 123

Meeting 122

Meeting 121

Meeting 120

Meeting 119

Meeting 118

Meeting 117

Meeting 116

Meeting 115

Meeting 114

Meeting 113

Meeting 112

Meeting 111

Meeting 110

Meeting 109

Meeting 108

Meeting 107

Meeting 106

Meeting 105

Meeting 104

Meeting 103

Meeting 102

Meeting 101

Meeting 100

Meeting 99

Meeting 98

Meeting 97

Meeting 96

Meeting 95

Meeting 94

Meeting 93

Meeting 92

HomeWard Memorial AwardPlanning Advisory BoardDownloadsConstitution and By-LawsAboutHistoryContact Us

The Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee (ACGSC) was started in 1957 to provide a forum for discussion, development, and rapid dissemination of technical information related to Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems. A few years after its inception, the ACGSC became afftiliated with the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), where today it is part of the Aerospace Activity Committee. In 2004, the ACGSC self incorporated as a non-profit organization in the State of Ohio in order to facilitate its meetings independant of other organizations.

The ACGSC holds semi-annual technical meetings. In addition, the committee sponsors appropriate technical sessions for SAE conferences.

The ACGSC is governed by its Planning and Advisory Board (PAB) and its By-Laws. The members are Senior leaders from industry; research institutions; universities; and government agencies, centers, and laboratories.


The ACGSC promotes the following values:

  • Integrity
  • Statesmanship
  • Mentorship

Organizational Structure

The ACGSC consists of five subcommittees:

  • Subcommittee A – Aeronautic and Surface Vehicles

    The charter of Subcommittee A is to address control and guidance system issues associated with aeronautical and surface vehicles from a vehicle prime perspective. The kinds of vehicles addressed include seaborne and undersea vehicles. The emphasis of this subcommittee is upon the vehicle structure and upon the integration of control and guidance system equipment into the overall vehicle system.

  • Subcommittee B - Missiles and Space Vehicles

    The charter of Subcommittee B is to address control and guidance system issues associated with missiles, space vehicles, and space systems from a vehicle prime perspective. The emphasis of this subcommittee is upon the control, guidance, and navigation of vehicles as related to the mission requirements. This includes the functional integration of control, guidance, and navigation subsystems, total vehicle integration, and performance and cost trades at both the system and subsystem levels to achieve mission objectives.

  • Subcommittee C – Avionics and Systems Integration

    The charter of Subcommittee C is to address control and guidance system issues associated with all manner of aerospace vehicles from an electronic system integration perspective. This subcommittee is concerned with sensors, processors, hardware and software design and development, integration, verification, operation, and maintenance of control and guidance systems.

  • Subcommittee D – Dynamics, Computation and Analysis

    The charter of Subcommittee D is to address the theoretical and analytical aspects of control and guidance systems for all manner of aerospace vehicle applications. This subcommittee is especially concerned with highly integrated control systems and with the research and development of control and guidance systems.

  • Subcommittee E – Flight, Propulsion, and Autonomous Vehicle Control Systems

    The charter of Subcommittee E is to address flight, propulsion, and autonomous vehicle control systems for aeronautical vehicles, including: requirements and specifications; engineering design and development of systems, subsystems, and components; flight test; and operation and maintenance. This subcommittee emphasizes: research and development of flight, propulsion, and autonomous vehicle control systems; redundancy and redundancy management; integration of flight and propulsion control systems; and overall integration of these systems with other aircraft systems and with the vehicle itself. Other associated areas of interest include: actuation systems; back-up systems and issues; flight safety issues; and integration of electrical, hydraulic, and mechanical components.

In addition to the technical sessions sponsored by these five subcommittees, the Committee meetings include a General Committee Technical Session. This session provides a forum where government agencies, research institutions, and universities share informal reports on control and guidance system research and development activities.


The policy of the ACGSC is that its members serve as individuals rather than as company representatives. Members are expected to maintain active participation in the Committee’s programs, including attendance at the semi-annual technical meetings. A member who is unable to attend one of these meetings is expected to send a representative.

Members who are absent from four consecutive meetings will be reclassified to the status of “Friends” subject to PAB review. Friends of the Committee will remain on the ACGSC distribution list if they wish, and they are encouraged to reactivate their membership status as soon as possible.

While the Committee does not require its members to be members of the SAE, membership is encouraged. The members of the PAB serve as sponsors for ACGSC membership applicants.

Presentation and Publication of Papers

The ACGSC emphasizes the rapid dissemination of technical information with a view toward substantive examination and discussion. Therefore, written papers are not a prerequisite to participation in one of the Committee’s technical sessions. However, publication of papers is encouraged, either individually or as part of an SAE Publication. This is especially true in the case of a sponsored session at one of the SAE conferences.

Best Presentation Award

The ACGSC promotes its values by sponsoring Best Presentation Awards. Presentations at its semiannual technical meetings are evaluated by the members of the PAB, and one or more awards are presented in the form of certificates at the next meeting of the Committee.

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