Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee


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ACGS Committee Meeting 122 - Savannah, GA - October 2018





     4.1 Government Agencies Summary Reports
          4.1.1 DoD
          4.1.2 NASA
      Armstrong Steve Jacobson
          4.1.3 DLR
      DLR Dominik Niedermeier
     4.2 Research Institutions, Industry, and University Reports
          4.2.1 Research Institutions and Companies
      Scientific Systems Company Raman Mehra
      Aurora Flight Sciences Jim Paduano
      Systems Technology, Inc. Dave Klyde
      Calspan Lou Knotts
      Optimal Synthesis, Inc. P. K. Menon
      Mitchell Aerospace Research Dave Mitchell
          4.2.2 Technical Committee Liaison
      SAE S-7 Committee Brian Lee
          4.2.3 Universities
      Texas A&M University John Valasek

5 8th Annual Dave Ward Memorial Lecture
     5.1 Probabilistic Methods for Collaborative Guidance, Estimation And Control in Human-Autonomous Vehicle Teams Nasir Ahmed (University of Colorado)

6 SUBCOMMITTEE B – Missiles and Space
     6.1 Vision-Aided Navigation for Precision Airdrop Andrew Olguin (Draper)
     6.2 Sensor Analysis, Modeling, and Test for Robust Propulsion System Autonomy Jeb Orr (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center)

7 SUBCOMMITTEE C – Avionics and Systems Integration
     7.1 Near Real-time Online System Identification for Small UAS John Valasek (Texas A&M University)
     7.2 Test and Evaluation of Autonomous Unmanned Systems Reed Young (JHU/APL)
     7.3 Historical PIO Events Dave Mitchell and Dave Klyde (Mitchell Research and STI, respectively)
     7.4 X-31 Enhanced Fighter Maneuverability with Vector – Lessons Learned Marge Draper-Donley (NAVAIR)

8 SUBCOMMITTEE D – Dynamics, Computations and Analysis
     8.1 Vibrational Control: Mysterious Stabilization Mechanism in Insect Flight Haithem Taha (UCI)
     8.2 Automatic Collision Avoidance Technology A. Finley Barfield (InfoSciTex)
     8.3 Project I-PROBE: Integrated Precision Refueling OnBoard Enhancement Buddy Denham (NAVAIR)
     8.4 Piloted Simulation Evaluation of Tracking MTEs for Rotorcraft High-Speed Handling Qualities David Klyde (STI)

9 SUBCOMMITTEE E – Flight, Propulsion, and Autonomous Vehicle Control Systems
     9.1 Aerodynamic Design of the XV-24A Tilt-Wing Aircraft Nikola Baltadjiev (Aurora Flight Sciences)
     9.2 The Role of the Human Operator in an Era of Increasing UAS Autonomy Mujahid Abdulrahim (University of Florida)
     9.3 Homotopy and Parallelization for Footprints for Hypersonic Vehicles Mike Bolander (AFRL)
     9.4 Project ATARI: A Carrier Approach Demonstration Using an F/A-18E Surrogate Aircraft Buddy Denham (NAVAIR)
     9.5 Active Feel Systems in General Aviation Aircraft Borja Martos (Flight Level Engineering)

10 SUBCOMMITTEE A – Aeronautical and Ground Vehicles
     10.1 Control of Flexible Structures Flight Research on X-56 Jacob Schaefer (NASA Armstrong)
     10.2 A380 Fly-By-Wire Design Xavier Le Tron (Airbus)
     10.3 What the Hack Happened to the Flight Deck: Analyzing the Impact of Cyber Attacks on Commercial Flight Crews Jan-Philipp Buch (DLR)
     10.4 Taking Pilot Opinion out of Handling Qualities (review of past attempts and challenge to find solutions) Matt Rhinehart and Dave Mitchell (NAVAIR and Mitchell Aerospace, respectively)

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