Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee


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Subcommittee S


Prior Meetings

Abstracts may be viewed by anyone. Presentations are only available to active members who have logged in.

Meeting 134
(coming soon)

Meeting 133

Meeting 132
(coming soon)

Meeting 131

Meeting 130

Meeting 129

Meeting 128

Meeting 127

Meeting 126

Meeting 125

Meeting 124

Meeting 123

Meeting 122

Meeting 121

Meeting 120

Meeting 119

Meeting 118

Meeting 117

Meeting 116

Meeting 115

Meeting 114

Meeting 113

Meeting 112

Meeting 111

Meeting 110

Meeting 109

Meeting 108

Meeting 107

Meeting 106

Meeting 105

Meeting 104

Meeting 103

Meeting 102

Meeting 101

Meeting 100

Meeting 99

Meeting 98

Meeting 97

Meeting 96

Meeting 95

Meeting 94

Meeting 93

Meeting 92

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Subcommittee S

Mission Statement: Organize field trips which facilitate the comprehensive study of the control, guidance and navigation of bodies responding to the influence of gravity and self-induced dynamics when operating on low temperature, low friction surfaces

YearMeeting LocationField Trip
2011Boulder, COSummit Co.
2010South Lake TahoeTahoe - Tahoe Keys
2009Seattle, WAMt. Batchelor, OR
2008Salt Lake CityWasatch Mtns.
2007Boulder, COSummit Co.
2006South Lake TahoeTahoe - Incline Village
2005Salt Lake CityWasatch Mtns.
2004Boulder, COSummit Co.
2003South Lake TahoeTahoe - Tahoe Keys
2002Salt Lake CityWasatch Mtns.
2001Boulder, COSteamboat Springs
2000South Lake TahoeTahoe - Tahoe Keys
1999Salt Lake CityWasatch Mtns.
1998Colorado SpringsSummit Co.
1997Monterey, CATahoe - Tahoe Keys
1996Salt Lake CityWasatch Mtns.
1995Colorado SpringsSummit Co.
1993RenoTahoe -Tahoe Keys
1992Salt Lake CityWasatch Mtns.
1991DenverSummit Co.
1990RenoTahoe - Tahoe Keys
1988MontereyTahoe - North Shore
1987BoiseSun Valley
1986Salt Lake CityPark City
1985Colorado SpringsSummit Co.
1984RenoTahoe - Squaw
1981Salt Lake CityPark City
1980MontereyTahoe - Incline Village
1979DenverSummit Co.
1978Palo AltoTahoe - Incline Village
1976Salt Lake CityAlta

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