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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 113 - Englewood, Colorado - March 2014
8.3 Adaptive Control of Evolving Systems for Fun and Profit
TitleAdaptive Control of Evolving Systems for Fun and Profit
PresenterMark Balas
AffiliationEmbry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractWe call an evolving system one that is autonomously assembled from actively controlled components to aspire to a higher purpose, e.g., assembly of a large exploratory spacecraft from actively controlled truss-structure components. I will review the basics of this new area and emphasize the genetics of such systems, i.e. how control-related properties can be inherited during evolution. I will present the idea of adaptive key component control for nonlinear evolving systems to show how stability can be recovered during evolution.

Although we developed the fundamental ideas of Evolving Systems for self-assembling structures in space, many new applications can benefit from the foundational ideas of evolving systems even though autonomous assembly is not the primary focus. Some examples are localized control of highly compliant aircraft in turbulent aerodynamic conditions, so-called smart power grids and power systems with highly variable loads and renewable generation, and evolving formations and swarms.

In this talk I hope to give you some entre into evolving systems and how they fit into the rest of our current applied research. Jazzy equations and extensive mathematical proofs will mostly be missing. I know this may be difficult to accept.

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