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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 113 - Englewood, Colorado - March 2014
5.4 Flight Testing DLR's New High Altitude Long Rage Research Aircraft HALO
TitleFlight Testing DLR's New High Altitude Long Rage Research Aircraft HALO
PresenterKevin Raynor
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractDLR - Flight Experiments
Flight Testing DLR's New High Altitude Long Range Research Aircraft HALO

Kevin Raynor
Handling and Performance Specialist

Oliver Brieger
Head of Flight Operations

After completion of the basic aircraft, the HALO research platform ran through a series of major modification programs affecting the basic airframe, including the integration of a belly pod and ventral fin, inlet systems for trace gas analysis and underwing stores carrying scientific instrumentation. The presentation reflects on the taken measures to test and certify these modifications during extensive flight test campaigns, encompassing PEC testing using a high precision trailing cone system, full flutter testing to allow reverse engineering of FE and aeroelastic models required for certification, and finally stall testing, to verify that the belly pod modification had no adverse effects on the stall barrier system of the basic aircraft, allowing safe operation. Finally, an optimized flight test method is presented, allowing the assessment and certification of any new exterior modification to the aircraft in a very efficient manner.

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