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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 113 - Englewood, Colorado - March 2014
4.2 Research Institutions, Industry, and University Reports
4.2.1 Research Institutions and Companies Rockwell Collins
TitleRockwell Collins
PresenterDarren Cofer
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractRockwell Collins Advanced Technology Center and our partner SIFT are conducting a research project for NASA to understand the certification implications of the use of adaptive/intelligent algorithms in aircraft flying in civil airspace. The goal of this project is to identify effective means to ensure, with a high level of confidence, that adaptive/intelligent systems used in airborne or air traffic management applications are safe, and determine changes, if any, needed to existing system safety standards and FAA certification guidance to assure their safety. We believe that ACGSC can be an important source of information in understanding the state of the art in adaptive/intelligent algorithms in this domain and have organized a special session related to this project to be held on Wednesday. The objectives of the session are to understand 1) what adaptive or intelligent algorithms people are really planning to use in aircraft flying in civil airspace, 2) what functions those algorithms are performing on the aircraft, and 3) what are the certification and safety assurance implications for those functions and algorithms. I will provide a brief introduction to the special session and describe what we hope to learn from ACGSC participants.

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