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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 115 - Portland, OR - March 2015
8.4 Mission and Fault Management (MFM) for the NASA SLS Launch Vehicle
TitleMission and Fault Management (MFM) for the NASA SLS Launch Vehicle
PresenterKevin Melcher
AffiliationNASA Glenn
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
This presentation provides an overview of work being conducted under the Space Launch System Program (SLSP) Mission and Fault Management (M&FM) Project. Mission and Fault Management is an activity focused on developing algorithms for the flight computer that determine nominal and off-nominal operation of the vehicle in the context of the mission plan, the vehicle state, the environment, and input from the crew and ground systems. M&FM also develops the analyses methodologies, models, software tools, and test capabilities needed to: (a) quantify parameters for the algorithms and (b) to verify requirements. This presentation begins by broadly defining M&FM. Next, it sets the work in the context of the NASA organization and the SLSP. In order, it then presents additional details for algorithm development, analysis capabilities, and supporting software tools. A few concluding remarks complete the presentation.

Kevin Melcher is a member of the Intelligent Controls and Autonomy Branch – Sanjay Garg’s Branch – at the NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, OH. For almost ten years he has been the Technical Team Lead for a group that develops and applies System Health Management methods to Space and Ground Systems. For 22 years prior to that, he conducted aeronautics research focused on the development and test validation of air-breathing propulsion system dynamic models. His talk this morning will provide an overview of Mission and Fault Management activities under NASA’s Space Launch System Program.

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