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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 115 - Portland, OR - March 2015
5.3 Matlab-Based Flight Dynamics and Flutter Modeling of a Flexible Flying-Wing Research Drone
TitleMatlab-Based Flight Dynamics and Flutter Modeling of a Flexible Flying-Wing Research Drone
PresenterDave Schmidt
AffiliationUniv. of CO, Colorado Springs
Available Downloads*presentation
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AbstractDr. David Schmidt
Univ. of Colorado

MATLAB-Based Flutter and Flight-Dynamics Analyses
Of a Flexible Flying-Wing Research Drone
With Active Flutter Suppression

Abstract: A flight-dynamics model of the longitudinal dynamics of a flexible flying-wing research drone aircraft is developed, and analyses are presented of the flutter and flight-dynamics characteristics of the vehicle. The vehicle is Lockheed Martin’s Free-Flying Aeroelastic Demonstrator acquired by the University of Minnesota for flight research. In addition to the rigid-body degrees of freedom, the model included three elastic degrees of freedom corresponding to the three lowest-frequency symmetric free-vibration modes of the structure. The vehicle was designed to be very flexible, and exhibits two symmetric flutter modes below 60 kt. Due strong rigid-body/elastic coupling, the vehicle does not exhibit a traditional short-period mode, but has a similar mode dominated by both rigid-body pitch and elastic bending/torsion. A simple constant-gain feedback system is shown to both stabilize both flutter conditions, as well as to provide adequate damping of the pitch dynamics.

Bio: David K. Schmidt received the B.S. and PhD degrees from Purdue University, and the M.S. degree from the University of Southern California, all in Aerospace Engineering. He is currently an emeritus professor at the University of Colorado, having served seven years on the engineering faculty. Before coming to Colorado, he served on the faculties of Purdue University (14 years), Arizona State University (seven years) and the University of Maryland-College Park (seven years). Prior to his academic career he served on the technical staffs of McDonnel-Douglas Corp. and the Stanford Research Institute. He is the author of over 200 research articles, as well as the 2012 McGraw-Hill book Modern Flight Dynamics. And he has served on many national and AIAA technical committees. He is the recipient of the AIAA’s Mechanics and Control of Flight Award, and is an AIAA Fellow.

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