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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 116 - Charlotte, NC - October 2015
9.4 HQ Test Techniques
TitleHQ Test Techniques
PresenterOliver Brieger
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractDetermining the most suitable tasks to evaluate the closed loop handling qualities by sufficiently ‘exercising‘ the pilot vehicle system to uncover any potential closed loop deficiencies is critical in the development phase of any aircraft, especially when the handling qualities are tailored to meet closed loop task requirements essential to fulfilling the design mission. This presentation gives an insight into the approach chosen to systematically evaluate the handling qualities in the Eurofighter/Typhoon flight test program, employing among other methods the Handling Qualities During Tracking test technique (HQDT) and specifically addressing the air-to-air refueling task and the air-to-ground tracking task. For air-to-ground tracking the so called GRATE II system (Ground Attack Test Equipment) has been developed to induce high gain inputs into the pilot vehicle system to investigate PIO susceptibility and further allowing the derivation of pilot models by means of system identification.
In a further example, specifically tailored test methods, employed in the SAIFE (Saturation Alleviation In-Flight Experiment) research program on DLR’s ATTAS in-flight simulator to assess the effectiveness of an anti-windup control scheme to restore linear aircraft behavior in case of significant rate saturation are presented.

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