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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 116 - Charlotte, NC - October 2015
7.1 Analysis Tools for Mission-Oriented Evaluation of Military Transport-Type Aircraft Systems
TitleAnalysis Tools for Mission-Oriented Evaluation of Military Transport-Type Aircraft Systems
PresenterThomas Jann
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractFuture military transport aircraft (FMTA) have to cope with the increasing demands in tactical and strategic airlift. The differences of military transport aircraft compared to civil aircraft require the development of new tools for the evaluation and verification of technologies and performance of future military aircraft systems. By combining the expertise from flight mechanics, aerodynamics and multi body dynamics in the DLR-internal projects MiTraPor and MiTraPor II the prerequisites had been established that allowed a comprehensive understanding of the flying system and enabled the development of sophisticated simulation models for different mission scenarios. Based on these models, new methods for the system assessment have been developed and applied. These tools can be used as virtual test bed for the evaluation and optimization of new technologies and procedures applied to military transport aircraft. After a short overview the talk will focus on specific topics and analysis tools that have been developed within the projects. One of these is the software tool MAPET, which provides a highly automated, model-based approach to aircraft performance analysis. Another tool is called PARALAB, that allows a flight-dynamical simulation of the entire airdrop sequence, including parachute deployment, and also accounts for the aircraft reaction during airdrop. Finally a short outlook will be given on the current project LUBETA that aims on the development of technologies for the automated air-to-air refueling of manned and unmanned aircraft.

Short Bio:
Dr. Thomas Jann is research scientist and project manager at the Institute of Flight Systems of the DLR German Aerospace Center in Germany. Thomas received his Master in Electronics and Control Engineering at the Technical University of Braunschweig in 1992. In 2004 he earned his Ph.D. in Aeronautical Engineering at the same University for his thesis about flight mechanical modeling, simulation and autonomous guidance of gliding parachute systems. He has been has been working on several projects related to parafoil systems, military transport aircraft and airdrop. Currently he is involved in airdrop and parachute simulation and is managing a project on air-to-air refueling.

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