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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 116 - Charlotte, NC - October 2015
4.2 Government Agencies Summary Reports
4.2.1 DLR DLR
PresenterKlaus-Uwe Hahn
Available Downloads*presentation
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AbstractFrom DLR homepage []: DLR is the national aeronautics and space research center of the Federal Republic of Germany. Its extensive research and development work in aeronautics, space, energy, transport and security is integrated into national and international cooperative ventures. In addition to its own research, as Germany’s space agency, DLR has been given responsibility by the federal government for the planning and implementation of the German space program. DLR is also the umbrella organization for the nation’s largest project management agency. DLR has currently approximately 8000 employees at 16 locations in Germany hosting 33 institutes and facilities. DLR also has offices in Brussels, Paris, Tokyo and Washington D.C..

DLR’s aeronautics directorate introduced an additional instrument in 2014 to guide the collaboration work of DLR’s institutes based on guidance concepts. The specified guidance concepts are intended to support the target-oriented research activities for selected integration platforms. But they do not preclude research subjects outside of these designated research topics. For each guidance concept the existing know-how and technology status will be gathered to identify the existing research gaps and needs. From this the development team of a guidance concept is expected to propose related projects to overcome the discovered deficiencies. The guidance concept is acting as an umbrella for a bundle of interdisciplinary projects. Altogether there are six Aeronautics Research Guidance Concepts which are briefly introduced in the General Committee Technical Session.

Guidance Concept GC1: Short Haul Aircraft
This concept covers all activities related to the design and assessment of a “Quiet Short Take-off and Landing“(QSTOL)-Short Haul Aircraft

Guidance Concept GC2: Long Range Aircraft
This attempt is focusing on the assessment and to prove a next generation Long Range Aircraft being comfortable, efficient and clean.

Guidance Concept GC3: Unmanned Cargo Aircraft
This challenging concept is supporting the development of the know-how required for the integration of unmanned but safe and reliable cargo aircraft into the air transportation system.

Guidance Concept CG4: Search and Rescue Helicopter 2030
This effort is covering innovative technologies and new configuration designs of helicopters for weather independent “Helicopter Emergency Medical Services” (HEMS).

Guidance Concept CG5: Efficient Air Traffic
The goal is to qualify an increased air traffic capacity providing the existing level of safety but minimizing the environmental impact and being robust against internal and external disturbances of the air traffic flow and improving the cost effectiveness of flight operations.

Guidance Concept CG6: Virtual Aircraft
This concept aims at the high precision mathematical/numerical presentation of an air vehicle considering all its physical characteristics, functions, manufacturing and operational issues as well as the related environmental impacts.

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