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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 117 - Napa, CA - March 2016
4.2 Research Institutions, Industry, and University Reports
4.2.1 Research Institutions and Companies D. K. Schmidt & Associates
TitleD. K. Schmidt & Associates
PresenterDave Schmidt
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractAn overview of a five-year NASA-funded project titled the “Performance Adaptive Aeroelastic Wing” (PAAW) is presented, followed by some recent results in the area of flight-dynamics and flutter modeling. This is a multi-disciplinary, multi-organization project led by the UAV Lab at the University of Minnesota, with other team members consisting of STI, Virginia Tech, Aurora Flight Sciences, CMSoft, and Schmidt & Associates. The overall goal is to use structural flexibility to an advantage so as to actively optimize transport-aircraft wing shape over the flight envelope, minimizing fuel requirements. Aeroservoelastic modeling and active flutter suppression will be key enabling technologies, novel methods such as MDAO are being applied, and extensive flight testing is being performed. Three different aircraft are being designed and developed as research test beds, all remotely piloted flexible flying-wing vehicles. Currently in the second project year, the first vehicle has already been constructed and undergone extensive flight tests, and the design of the second vehicle is well underway. Due in large part to the fact that design and testing of flight hardware is a focus, the team is highly interactive and well coordinated.
During the first year, emphasis has been placed on developing and validating flight-dynamic and flutter modeling capabilities and tools, and five compatible modeling approaches are being considered. These consist of high-fidelity CFD/CSM simulations (CMSOFT), reduced-order models obtained from these CFD results (STI), the industry-standards NASTRAN and ZONA (VT), and a novel method referred to as the “Flight-Dynamics” approach (S&A). The latter approach is considered attractive because it has the potential to produce sufficiently accurate models of the flexible vehicle that are of low dynamic order and may be used directly in flight-dynamics and flutter analysis, as well as control-law design. Furthermore, since these Flight-Dynamics models are completely parameterized, they are familiar to flight dynamicists and can be updated using parameter identification and flight-test results. Because the Flight-Dynamics approach is non-standard, especially in the aeroelastic community, comparisons of results with those from flight test and the other modeling techniques are especially important. Transient responses from the Flight-Dynamics model are found to agree extremely well with flight-test data. Additionally, over three versions of vehicle designs, flutter predictions from this method agree with those from NASTRAN within 1% accuracy and with those from all four other methods within 2.8%. All test results and publications are available from the project’s web site at

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