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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 118 - Minneapolis, MN - October 2016
7.1 A Coupled Aeroelastic Model for Launch Vehicle Stability Analysis
TitleA Coupled Aeroelastic Model for Launch Vehicle Stability Analysis
PresenterJeb Orr
AffiliationCRM Solutions
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractA technique for incorporating distributed aerodynamic normal forces and aeroelastic coupling effects into a stability analysis model of a launch vehicle is presented. The formulation augments the linear state-space launch vehicle plant dynamics that are compactly derived as a system of coupled linear differential equations representing small angular and translational perturbations of the rigid body, nozzle, and sloshing propellant coupled with normal vibration of a set of orthogonal modes. The interaction of generalized forces due to aeroelastic coupling and thrust can be expressed as a set of augmenting non-diagonal stiffness and damping matrices in modal coordinates with no penalty on system order. While the eigenvalues of the structural response in the presence of thrust and aeroelastic forcing can be predicted at a given flight condition independent of the remaining degrees of freedom, the coupled model provides confidence in closed-loop stability in the presence of rigid-body, slosh, and actuator dynamics. Simulation results are presented that characterize the coupled dynamic response of the Ares I launch vehicle and the impact of aeroelasticity on control system stability margins.

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