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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 119 - Fairborn, OH - March 2017
9.1 Advanced-deck Lighting & Aircraft Displays for Dynamic Interface: Project Aladdin
TitleAdvanced-deck Lighting & Aircraft Displays for Dynamic Interface: Project Aladdin
PresenterBuddy Denham
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractThe Objective of this research effort is to experiment multiple new carrier landing area deck markings and fixed lighting systems in combination with new optimized HUD symbology to improve hook touchdown accuracy in high sea states. This new concept will be compared with current methods in use to recover aircraft in high sea states and to demonstrate if there are landing performance benefits. Within the ALADDIN project we leverage the core control laws from a previous research: Maritime Augmented Guidance with Integrated Controls for Carrier Approach and Recovery Precision Enabling Technology (MAGIC CARPET) program. How the carrier pilots are trained to manipulate the cockpit controls to achieve the desired performance and touchdown accuracy have largely gone unchanged since the original carrier landings aboard the USS Langley. The research objective of the ALADDIN project is combining the existing control capability of MAGIC CARPET with a newly developed shipboard fixed visual landing aide which the pilot will actually track and get in phase with deck motion. This is simply not done today, however it offers the potential for significant operational benefits if successful for a very low level of complexity change.

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