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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 119 - Fairborn, OH - March 2017
9.3 Assessment of a Scalogram-Based PIO Metric with Flight Test Data
TitleAssessment of a Scalogram-Based PIO Metric with Flight Test Data
PresenterDave Klyde
AffiliationSystems Technology, Inc.
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractFrom advanced military aircraft to modern commercial transports and from business jets to rotorcraft, fly-by-wire flight control systems are now common place. This offers designers the ability to tailor response types via various flight control modes to specific missions or flight conditions. The mode transitions, envelope limiting, and control surface rate and position saturation that can accompany fly-by-wire designs may lead to pilot-vehicle system loss of control in the form of pilot-induced oscillations (PIO). With most fly-by-wire designs, the PIO tendencies have surfaced in flight test allowing for modifications that can reduce these tendencies. While predictive PIO metrics are available, though more work in this area is still needed, control room monitoring metrics have not been widely used. This paper explores the use of a wavelet scalogram-based metric that considers the time-varying peak pilot input power as a function of the controlled element phase at the frequency of the peak power, all of which are elements of the previously defined PIO signature. A flight test database generated in the evaluation of the Smart-Cue/Smart-Gain PIO mitigation concept is used to assess the utility of the proposed approach. The results of the assessment found that the new metric was successful at identifying correctly both PIO and non-PIO cases.

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