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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 119 - Fairborn, OH - March 2017
4.2 Research Institutions, Industry, and University Reports
4.2.1 Research Institutions and Companies Aurora Flight Sciences
TitleAurora Flight Sciences
PresenterJim Paduano
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractIt’s been another busy 6 months for Aurora. In October, the ALIAS program demonstrated our Robotic Replacement and Aircrew Automation (R2A2) system on a Cessna C208 Caravan in flight – the robotic system took a hand-off from the pilot, controlling the throttle, rudder, and yoke to fly waypoints commanded through a tablet. They system was subsequently taken out of the aircraft, which was certified to return to service in less than a week. Later that month, Centaur flew off Nantucket Island, tracking Great White’s for the OCEARCH organization. In December, Aurora demonstrated its SideArm capture system for fixed-wing UAVs up to 1000 pounds. The launch and recovery system is designed be transported in a 20 foot container, quickly assemble and operate from a truck bed or small ship deck. In January, Aurora delivered it’s ‘Digital Flight Engineer’ instantiation of R2A2, a pilot aiding system that uses machine vision to track the state of the cockpit, monitor checklists, provide trend-based alerts, and other functions enabled by aircraft state/context. Aurora also made significant progress in its flight test program for the AACUS Enabled H-1 (AEH-1), a UH-1 which has been outfitted for autonomous flight, guided by the AACUS retrofit autonomy system. First fully autonomous flights (with a safety pilot on board) are scheduled for the Summer.

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