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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 121 - Tucson, AZ - April 2018
Agenda Location6 SUBCOMMITTEE D – Dynamics, Computations, and Analysis
6.2 Recent NASA Research on Multi–Rotor Vehicle Dynamics in Off–Nominal Conditions
TitleRecent NASA Research on Multi–Rotor Vehicle Dynamics in Off–Nominal Conditions
PresenterJohn Foster
AffiliationNASA LaRC
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractAs part of efforts to facilitate the introduction of small UAS vehicles in the National Airspace, NASA is conducting research on aerodynamic modeling requirements for high-fidelity flight dynamics simulations in off-nominal conditions. The primary purpose for this capability is to enable trajectory prediction in the event of off-nominal events such as propulsion failure, control failure or environmental disturbances. A key research goal is to identify the modeling requirements and experimental data acquisition methods using ground-based wind tunnel facilities for high wind incidences angles and vehicle angular rates typical of off-nominal events. A series of wind tunnel tests have been completed for the isolated rotor, bare airframe, and powered airframe using static, dynamic and free-flight test methods for a commercial quadrotor configuration. Based on these data a high-fidelity simulation has been developed and is currently being used for Monte Carlo studies and risk analysis. Future research will address the feasibility of low-order trajectory prediction for generic configurations with potential application to real-time flight monitoring systems.

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