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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 97 - Tahoe - March 2006
5.4 Discrete Thruster Control of Precision Guided Munitions
TitleDiscrete Thruster Control of Precision Guided Munitions
PresenterGary Balas
AffiliationUniversity of Minnesota
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractSide-directed discrete thrusters are an attractive maneuver mechanism for several pro- jectile applications. They provide quick reaction capability for terminal guidance where acquisition is delayed until very short ranges. They also provide signi¯cant maneuver au- thority in low velocity trajectories where the equivalent size of aero control surfaces would have to be unrealistically large. But along with their inherent advantages for projectile guidance come several design challenges.

This talk describes two discrete side-directed thruster systems, the Saab-Bofors STRIX terminally guided mortar munition and the ATK PGMM precision guided mortar muni- tion, and the control challenges associated with them. A brief overview of the projectile equations of motion are presented and parameters associated with an example system. The issue of controllability of these discrete thrust munitions is discussed in relationship to bang-bang minimum fuel optimal control and impulsive dynamical systems. Due to the theoretical challenges associated with determining the controllability of these systems, initial investigations focussed on a naive control strategy. Simulation results are shown for di®erent numbers and magnitude of the discrete thrusters. The presentation concludes with a list of references on the topic.

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