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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 97 - Tahoe - March 2006
6.2 Flight Demonstration of Next Generation Air Transportation System Capabilities
TitleFlight Demonstration of Next Generation Air Transportation System Capabilities
PresenterCarl Jezierski
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractThe integrated architecture for 2025, the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NGATS), is envisioned to be “One in which pilots fly 4-D de-deconflicted trajectories that ensure safety separation standards are achieved; where distributed decision-making, based on complete situational awareness, provide vast user flexibility; and allowing the injection of emerging concepts to be easily integrated with existing elements.” (“NGATS ATM Enterprise Architecture Report”, Crown Consulting, June 2005). Transitioning to space-based communication, navigation and surveillance subsystems offers increased capabilities while at the same time presenting opportunities to reduce ground-based infrastructure cost.
This presentation briefly describes several of the airborne technologies which will provide some of these capabilities and the testing/demonstration activities that will be conducted in the near future at the FAA William J Hughes Technical Center.

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