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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 94 - Reno - November 2004
Agenda Location6 SUBCOMMITTEE A – Aeronautics and Surface Vehicles
6.1 Saab JAS 39 Grippen FBW Development
TitleSaab JAS 39 Grippen FBW Development
PresenterStaffan Bogg and Robert Hillgren
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractThe presentation will give a historical perspective as well as a view of the current status of the FBW Flight Control System in the JAS 39 Gripen aircraft. Focus will be on describing difficulties that were encountered during the development and how they were solved, e.g. the cause, the cure and the lessons learned from the two crashes during the early development flight tests.

In the first specification for the Gripen there was a design goal to make the aircraft departure resistant. During the years this design goal has altered to a firm requirement for care-free characteristics, allowing the pilot to do any combinations of stick and pedal inputs without departing or overstressing the aircraft. Some results from the development of the Maneuver Load Limiting function and control laws for high angle of attack and transonic to fulfill this requirement will be presented during the session.

At the end of the presentation a walk through of the development of new FCS functionality will be made, discussing the wake vortex problem and further refinement of the Gripen care-free characteristics. Safety enhancement functions such as Auto GCAS and Auto ACAS are under implementation and other coupled control functions, e.g. Automatic Navigation.

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