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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 97 - Tahoe - March 2006
8.1 Vision-Based Navigation of a Small Unmanned Air Vehicle
TitleVision-Based Navigation of a Small Unmanned Air Vehicle
PresenterRaja Sengupta
AffiliationUC Berkeley
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractOur aim is to make UAV’s a ubiquitous technology by enabling their use for commercial activities and enhancing their autonomy so they can be operated without advanced training. There is a thriving aerial inspection industry imaging infrastructure such as oil pipelines or powerlines for defects or road traffic for accidents. To advance UAV’s to a technology usable by this industry, we have developed a vision-based tracking technology to track locally linear structures. Using small UAV’s and cheap COTS cameras, at altitudes between 100 and 200 meters, we have tracked roadways and the California aqueduct, keeping the lateral tracking error to an average of 10 meters. Simultaneously we have been exploring an approach for obstacle avoidance that is computationally simpler than structure from motion, but may nevertheless be adequate for autonomous flight at altitudes of 200 meters and above where obstacles are sparse.

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