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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 94 - Reno - November 2004
4.2 Research Institutions, Industry, and University Reports
4.2.2 Research Institutes and Companies Honeywell Aerospace Electronic Systems
TitleHoneywell Aerospace Electronic Systems
PresenterSanjay Parthasarathy
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractThis talk gives a brief overview of recent accomplishments at Honeywell Labs (now known as the Aerospace Center of Excellence in Guidance, Navigation and Control)

1) Intelligent Autonomy – Several programs at Honeywell address intelligent autonomy -
a. Organic Air Vehicle (OAV): Autonomous flights at the MOUT (Military Operations in Urban Terrain) site in Ft. Benning were completed as the final milestones on the 29-inch vehicle program. Mission scenarios demonstrated included autonomous way-point following , launch from a HumVee, and surveillance in an urban environment using on-board video cameras.
b. Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) – this is a back-packable version of the OAV, about 13” in diameter and a dual-pod design. The Critical Design Review (CDR) for this program was completed in October.
c. Software Enabled Control (SEC): Flight tests for both fixed wing and rotorcraft teams were completed in California, and at Ft. Benning respectively. Honeywell’s contributions included trajectory optimization, multi-aircraft conflict detection and resolution, and statistical verification.
d. HURT program: (Heterogeneous Urban RSTA Teams) – Honeywell was selected by DARPA to provide the planning and control modules for this program. Northrop Grumman is the lead systems integrator for this program.

2) Advanced Control
a. Reconfigurable control: Under the NASA CUPR program, Honeywell worked with Langley engineers to demonstrate the benefits of reconfigurable control via preliminary piloted simulation at NASA Langley. Elevator faults were simulated on a Boeing 757 model, and the fault detection, isolation and controller reconfiguration algorithms were evaluated.
b. Intelligent Control: The Thinking Space Systems program with NASA Ames developed techniques for automatically synthesizing guaranteed controllers for hybrid systems. We expanded Model Predictive Control (MPC) synthesis to hybrid systems, and applied Semi definite Programming and Statistical Learning Theory approaches to controller verification. The effectiveness of the algorithms was successfully evaluated via simulations of an autonomous life-support system - the Variable Configuration CO2 Removal system (VCCR) at NASA-Johnson.
c. 7e7 Fly-by-wire program: Honeywell is working on the Fly-by-wire system for the Boeing 7e7 program.

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