Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee


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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 93 - Colorado Springs - March 2004
4.2.2 Research Institutes and Companies Barron Associates
TitleBarron Associates
PresenterDave Ward
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractBarron Associates, Inc. continues to focus on developing approaches to improve autonomous flight safety. Recent and ongoing projects include Intelligent Control of Unmanned Air Vehicles (AFRL PRDA), Algorithms and Tools for Automatic Updating of Simulation Databases (AFFTC Ph II), and Idiosyncratic Computer Signature Identification (OSD Ph I). Barron Associates recently completed flight tests on its Real-Time Guidance Adaptation and Trajectory Reshaping Algorithms for Reusable Launch Vehicles (part of the AFRL Integrated Adaptive Guidance and Control program – IAG&C). Flight tests were conducted at General Dynamics’ facility in Buffalo (formerly Veridian) using the TIFS in-flight simulator aircraft to simulate a vehicle with the Dynamics of the X-40A. Flight tests showed the ability of the IAG&C system to safely land the vehicle under a variety of unforeseen failures. Work is progressing to extend the IAG&C algorithms to a wider range of flight conditions (TAEM and Reentry) and vehicles (X-37 and DARPA CAV). Barron Associates is also nearly complete with the real-time software development for the Retrofit Reconfigurable Control for the F/18 (NAVAIR Ph III). This development involved porting parameter identification, receding-horizon control, and baseline F-18 control algorithms to the Navy’s Fleet-Support Flight Control Computer (FSFCC). Porting and hardware testing is nearly complete, and flight tests are scheduled for summer of 2004.

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