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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 97 - Tahoe - March 2006
9.3 Lessons Learned and Flight Results from the F-15 Intelligent Flight Control System Project
TitleLessons Learned and Flight Results from the F-15 Intelligent Flight Control System Project
PresenterJohn Bosworth
AffiliationNASA Dryden
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractThe F-15 IFCS project was a joint effort with NASA Dryden and Ames, Boeing Phantom Works, the Institute for Scientific Research as well as participation from academia. The project overall goal is to advance neural network-based flight control technology. This technology has the potential to greatly increase the robustness to failures and provide a control technology that enables a new class of radically morphing vehicles. The effort included work in indirect adaptive systems that identify changes in vehicle behavior and adjust the flight control system to account for that change. Also a direct adaptive approach was demonstrated. This approach adjusts the flight controller based on feedback errors without directly identifying the behavioral change. The adaptation goals were to reduce the transient due to a failure, re-establish model following, and minimize longitudinal / lateral directional couple due the failure. Simulated failures were demonstrated using a destabilizing gain change and by freezing a single control surface. Flight results and lessons learned are presented. The F-15 IFCS project is currently collecting valuable “real world” flight test data. Adaptive systems face some significant challenges in the area of structural / control system interaction. The area of adaptive control system technology is a fruitful area for research and the F-15 IFCS project is providing valuable information that will promote the technology to a higher readiness level.

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