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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 92 - Dayton - October 2003
4.1.5 Germany German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Flight Systems,
TitleGerman Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Flight Systems,
PresenterFrank Thielecke
Available Downloads*none
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractThis presentation provides an update of the research activities and a general briefing on new projects at the DLR Institute of Flight Systems, Germany.

ATTAS and the new FHS are playing an important role in the sophisticated complex of demonstration of new technologies during the flight vehicle design and evaluation phases. The technical improvements of the ATTAS test equipment allow now operation for at least the next 10 years. On Nov. 7th, 2002 the Flying Helicopter Simulator FHS has been handed over to its owner, the German Aerospace Centre DLR and user specific flight tests have begun.

The European Project S-WAKE is focusing on the assessment of wake vortex safety. The main goals of this activity are minimization, prediction, observation and detection of wake vortices of civil transport type a/c. The flight testing was done with ATTAS using a smoke generator and the DO 128 from the Technical University of Braunschweig.

For the study of new configurations like the IWFC (Integrated Wing-Fuselage Configurations) DLR has started a Joint Project with the French ONERA. Important topics of the investigations are dynamics and performance analysis in comparison with conventional a/c, extension of the simulation (full 6-DoF) considering real world system effects (delays, rate limitations), the design of generic controllers and autopilots for investigation of specific maneuvers as well as the In-Flight Simulation on ATTAS in a real environment (atmosphere, ATC, ...) with pilot-in-the-loop.

Integrated technologies for Autonomous Flight Systems are developed and demonstrated in several projects: ALEX – an autonomous landing experiment of a parachute-load-system, ARTIS – an autonomous rotorcraft testbed for intelligent systems, SOITAIR – a solar-powered demonstrator for high altitude long endurance flight and WASLA-HALE – the ATTAS demonstration of UAV-technologies for operation in controlled common airspace, demonstration of standard- and emergency-procedures, development of certification standards for operation in controlled airspace and reliable procedures for operating with relay systems.

The automatic landing capability and the flight performance for a future Reusable Launch Vehicle will be demonstrate by the PHOENIX Flight Experiment. The hardware and software integration is nearly completed. The first wind tunnel campaign to improve the aerodynamic data base and to calibrate the air data system has been finished. In a Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation the automatic landing capability was already successfully demonstrated.

The so-called SikMa project is focussing on the development of a numeric simulation environment to simulate a free flying elastic fighter aircraft. Due to the increasing computing power using distributed workstation-clusters and the DLR software TENT for workflow management the simulation even of complex maneuvers is becoming possible.

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