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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 123 - Santa Fe, NM - March 2019
5.3 X-56A Flutter Suppression Flight Testing with Modern Control
TitleX-56A Flutter Suppression Flight Testing with Modern Control
PresenterPeter Suh
AffiliationNASA Armstrong Flight Research Center
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractThis work overviews the implementation of and flight testing of several modern controllers which were used both for flight control and active flutter suppression of the body freedom flutter mode of the X-56A. The research objective of the program is overviewed first, which includes flight test data of the body freedom flutter mode. Pertinent aspects of the controller development are covered which includes the control architecture and weight choices used in the H2 control methodology. Design choices are covered which represent a lessons learned of designing a combined controller which robustly accomplishes both flight control and flutter suppression in the special case when rigid body motion participates in the flutter mode.

The flight testing of several modern controllers are covered in detail using flight test data for both tracking and flutter suppression. Improvements upon baseline controllers are shown, which provide lessons learned about modeling choices and the utilization of multiple control surfaces for flutter suppression.

The next section focuses on controller design requirements regression and how the requirements which were used in the original baseline controller design should be changed for a future flight test program of the same type. Conclusions for this are supported both with contemporary models and flight test models.

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