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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 97 - Tahoe - March 2006
4.1 Government Agencies Summary Reports
4.1.5 FAA Tech Center
TitleTech Center
PresenterStanley Pszczolkowski
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractIn FY05 the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) met over 90% of its goals. Some current FAA organizational and technical activities and events include: contract negotiations with both the controller and the engineer/technician unions, plans for significant controller recruitment and training, a declining Aviation Trust Fund balance (the fund provides a significant portion of the FAA budget) and the centralization and consolidation of functions and processes. Additionally, the Technical Center took delivery of a new project aircraft – Bombardier Global 5000.
The Joint Program and Development Office (JPDO) announced 8 key Next Generation Air Transportation System (NGATS) capabilities, requested acceleration of Automated Dependant Surveillance Broadcast implementation and will release drafts of a concept of operations and an enterprise architecture for constituent agency review. The FAA is working cooperatively with the JPDO to determine the impact of NGATS on the National Airspace System processes, plans, budget and architecture. Roadmaps are under development in 7 major areas (e.g. communication, navigation) that include assumptions, drivers, system evolution, decision points, and cost forecasts and profiles.

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