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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 124 - Williamsburg, VA - October 2019
7.3 Lunar Lander Simulator
TitleLunar Lander Simulator
PresenterKevin Duda
AffiliationDraper Labs
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractTitle: Development of a Lunar Lander Simulator: Commemorating Apollo and Looking to the Future

Authors: Kevin R. Duda, Robert de Saint Phalle, Curtis Schroeder, Michael Johnson, Thomas Fill, Benjamin Miller, Anthony Ventura, Alison Siegmann, Karan Mudgal, Ryan Morrill, Samuel Gravina, and Alan Campbell

July 20, 2019 at 3:17 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST) marked the 50th anniversary of the successful landing of the Apollo 11 lunar module on the moon’s surface. Draper, formerly the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory, was the first prime contract issued as part of NASA’s Apollo Program – providing the Guidance and Navigation system for the spacecraft. As part of Draper’s commemoration of the Engineers and Engineering that made it possible to go to the moon and return safely to Earth, Draper has designed and developed a 6-degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) motion-based lunar lander simulator to replicate the Apollo Lunar Module (LM) cockpit interior, flight controls, displays, vehicle dynamics, audio, and out-the-window visualizations from “low gate” (approximately 500 feet altitude and 2,000 feet up-range) to the Apollo 11 landing site – approximately 100 seconds of flight. This presentation summarizes the design and development of this motion-based lunar lander simulator, and highlights the opportunities that this capability enables for a human return to the moon’s surface.

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