Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee


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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 97 - Tahoe - March 2006
4.2 Research Institutions, Industry and University Reports
4.2.1 Research Institutes and Companies Barron Associates
TitleBarron Associates
PresenterDave Ward
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractBarron Associates, Inc. reported on a number of recent and ongoing controls projects, including:
• Retrofit Reconfigurable Flight Control for F/A-18: Recent flight tests demonstrated the ability of a “wrap-around” system to compensate for unforeseen failures.
• Adaptive Control of Morphing Aircraft: Adaptive control is being applied to aircraft with changing wing shapes to ensure stability and performance during wing morphing.
• High-Speed Supercavitating Torpedo: Adaptive Backstepping and Receding-Horizon controllers are being developed for a supercavitating torpedo.
• UAV Upset Recovery Control System: Reinforcement-learning-based path planning and control are being developed to prevent and recover from UAV upset conditions. Of particular interest are shipboard landing applications.
• Adaptive Guidance, Control, and Trajectory Generation for Reusable Launch Vehicles: Recently completed HIL demonstrations showed the merit of real-time trajectory shaping for TAEM and A/L segments fo RLV flight.
• CAV Trajectory Reshaping: Simulation studies demonstrated the benefits of trajectory reshaping to compensate for uncertain aerodynamics, including those caused by ablation, and provide precision targeting.
• High-Speed Vertical Lift Simulation Development: Barron Associates is developing publicly-releasable Matlab/Simulink models of high-speed vertical lift aircraft with innovative effectors. This simulation will include ship motion and airwake and is designed for controls researchers.
• Adaptive Control of Synthetic Jet Arrays with Unknown Nonlinearities: Virtually shape airfoil at low angles of attack and control flow separation at high angles of attack. Goal is wind-tunnel demonstrations.
• Generic Software Wrappers for Runtime V&V: Software wrappers monitor safety-critical systems and handle switching to reversionary modes when the software or algorithm fails.
• Autonomous Health Monitoring System for Hybrid Propulsion Vehicles
• Integrated Control and Diagnostics for Marine Diesel Engines
• Automated Updating of Simulation Data Tables

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