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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 97 - Tahoe - March 2006
4.2 Research Institutions, Industry and University Reports
4.2.1 Research Institutes and Companies Calspan
PresenterEric Ohmit
Available Downloads*presentation
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AbstractCalspan celebrated its one year anniversary in February. Over the last 6 months Calspan’s Learjets have been very busy supporting the AAR program. The AAR program is sponsored by AFRL. Participating organizations include Boeing, Northrop-Grumman, Rockwell Collins and Titan. The Lear completed two previous flight tests in 2004 in Buffalo and 2005 at China Lake. In early 2006, the Boeing FCC was integrated in the Lear in anticipation of supporting closed loop testing of the system in August 2006. This closed loop testing will have the safety pilot fly the aircraft into position, engage the AAR control laws and the system will maintain position. Future testing in 2007 will include transitions into observation, pre-contact, contact and breakaway positions.

The installation of an autothrottle into the Learjet in support of the AAR program has opened other opportunities to perform UAV testing. The AFTPS performed a Test Management project during October 2005 demonstrating a low cost closed loop AAR approach by demonstrating station keeping within 2 feet and refueling maneuvers with a C-12 simulating the refueling task. The Lears also supported training at both the AF and Navy Test pilot schools.

The Lear has also been selected to support the AFRL sponsored Sense & Avoid program. Northrop Grumman is the prime on this contract with Defense Research Associates providing the Camera system, detector and tracker. This system will autonomously detect and avoid both cooperative and non-cooperative targets. Head on, overtaking and cross track intrusions scenarios will be tested with a King Air and KC-135 aircraft. This program will fly in the 4th quarter of 2006.

The TIFS aircraft will support a Boeing Proprietary Advanced Control System flight test program in 2006, this will be the second session of this program.

Calspan is developing a 3rd Variable stability Learjet to support future uses of the aircraft including Upset Recovery Training and Test Pilot School Operations. First flight of this aircraft will occur this year and the aircraft will be put to work soon thereafter.

In October 2005 Calspan’s Transonic Wind Tunnel inaugurated operation of our Free To Roll (FTR) rig. This system frees the roll rotation degree of freedom to support abrupt wing stall studies and roll damping derivative determination. Transition from the FTR to normal S&C testing is rapid and provides significant flexibility during testing.

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