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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 125 - Virtual - November 2020
4.2 Sub-Committee A
4.2.2 DLR Recent and Near Future Research Activities
TitleDLR Recent and Near Future Research Activities
PresenterDominik Niedermeier
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractThe presentation gives an overview of selected recent and near future research activities at DLR.

DLR’s former fixed wing VSS/IFS research aircraft was retired in 2012. For that reason DLR purchased a Falcon 2000LX aircraft in April 2018 called ISTAR. ISTAR shall be transformed to an VSS/IFS research aircraft in three modification steps. The presentation shows the current status of the project and describes the recent activities of the so-called ISTAR Joint Design Team. The Joint Design Team is composed of DLR and Dassault engineers designing the required flight control modifications to implement an experimental Fly-by-Wire system.

Some years ago the DLR developed the first version of the so-called Low Noise Augmentation System (LNAS). This pilot assistance system is integrated into the Electronic Flight Bag software and supports the crew during the approach in order to optimize the timing of configuration changes. This optimization allows an idle thrust setting down to the 1000ft-gate resulting in noise and fuel consumption reduction. The system is further developed in collaboration with Swiss partners, such as Skylab, EMPA, Swiss Airlines, Zurich Airport, Swiss Air Force and Skyguide. To apply LNAS to Zurich Airport approaches the algorithm had to be extended in order to handle Continuous Decent Approaches (CDA). The presentation briefly describes the results of the flight tests in Zurich performed in September 2019 with the DLR research aircraft ATRA.

The task of the project DinAFlex is to develop aircraft models taking into account flexible dynamic effects on handling qualities. The presentation describes the current status of the project and provides an outlook for the near-future activities. The simulator campaign for the evaluation of the handling qualities will take place in June 2021.

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