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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 97 - Tahoe - March 2006
4.2 Research Institutions, Industry and University Reports
4.2.1 Research Institutes and Companies Hoh Aeronautics, Inc.
TitleHoh Aeronautics, Inc.
PresenterDave Mitchell
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractHAI has just completed a research effort for the Army's Aviation Engineering Directorate to develop metrics for verification & validation of helicopter simulators. This work included evaluation of the Maximum Unnoticeable Added Dynamics (MUAD) envelopes. A piloted simulation gathered data that show the existing MUAD envelopes to be overly conservative. Alternative Allowable Error (AE) envelopes were created from the simulation results. The AE envelopes are dependent on the dynamics of the aircraft, making their application in a generic specification difficult at best. The final report for this work has been delivered. Results will be reported in an AIAA paper this summer. On a separate topic, HAI has completed negotiations with Chelton Flight Systems to develop, market, and manufacture HAI's HeliSAS autopilot. HeliSAS was the result of a NASA Phase II SBIR. The new product will be marketed as the Chelton HeliSAS Digital Helicopter Autopilot.

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