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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 97 - Tahoe - March 2006
4.2 Research Institutions, Industry and University Reports
4.2.1 Research Institutes and Companies Moscow Aviation Institute
TitleMoscow Aviation Institute
PresenterAlexander Efremov
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractThere are considered a number of perspective researches and some results developed in flight dy-namics and control area.

− flying qualities evaluation in ground-based simulation.

There are discussed: the role of methodology for fulfillment of ground-based simulation, necessity in definition of task performances (desired and adequate) and simultaneous evaluation of flying qualities in longitudinal and lateral channels, the role of aircraft dynamics and input signal model-ing. There is demonstrated the agreement between pilot ratings received in ground and in-flight in-vestigations for a number of piloting tasks.

− extremely short and take-off landing.

There are exposed problems in dynamics of landing in such conditions: reversible control in longi-tudinal channel and unsatisfactory flying qualities in lateral channel and practical absence of infor-mation support for pilot. There is shown the solution of these problems by aircraft augmentation and installations of display additional metrics synthesized on aircraft board allowed to realize the landing with high accuracy.

− MAV control and designing.

The dynamic peculiarities of such vehicles are the considerable influence of propeller and low Reynold’s numbers on aerodynamic characteristics, high increase of zeros and poles in longitudinal mo-tion in comparison with aircraft flying with higher velocities. There are determined the ways for improvement of flying qualities of such vehicles by augmentation.

− modeling of pilot behavior characteristics in manual control.

There is given analysis of pilot control response characteristics calculated with help of well-known models with results of experimental investigations. There are considered the reasons of disagree-ment in low and crossover frequency ranges and are discussed the other approaches to the model-ing, in particular based on semi-soft modeling.

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