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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 126 - Virtual - March 2021
7.1 Bringing Highly Augmented Controls to a Legacy Helicopter for Degraded Visual Operations
TitleBringing Highly Augmented Controls to a Legacy Helicopter for Degraded Visual Operations
PresenterMatt Rhinehart
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractDegraded Visual Environments (DVE) are a major hazard to rotary-wing operations in austere conditions. Modern control response types can go a long ways in mitigating this hazard but non-Fly-By-Wire (FBW) rotorcraft flight controls generally do not support this functionality. The Low Speed Precision Control (LSPC) system was an engineering program to bring FBW-like control response types to legacy rotorcraft to increase safety and reduce pilot workload in DVE. The detailed design of the system was driven by the legacy architecture of the CH-53E flight control system as well as programmatic constraints. This presentation discusses how the system was designed to address these constraints while still providing substantive reductions in pilot workload for low-speed operations.

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