Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee


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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 126 - Virtual - March 2021
4.4 AFRL
PresenterDave Doman
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractThe Control Science Center at the Air Force Research Laboratory is focused on control related research in five areas: autonomous control of unmanned air vehicles, flight dynamics and control, verification and validation of complex systems, precision airdrop, and aircraft thermal management. The UAV team focuses on development of control algorithms that allow teams of UAVs to operate autonomously. In the area of verification and validation we are working to develop techniques for formally verifying the correctness of mission plans and flight control algorithms and for rapidly computing reachable sets for dynamical systems. In the area of precision airdrop we are focused on the development of physics-based algorithms that use near real-time wind field measurements for determination of release points for unguided drogue/parachute systems. Research in the area of aircraft thermal management has focused on using optimization and control methods to maximize thermal range and endurance of aircraft that use fuel as a heat sink for disposal of waste thermal energy.

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