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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 97 - Tahoe - March 2006
4.2 Research Institutions, Industry and University Reports
4.2.1 Research Institutes and Companies SAIC
PresenterRoger Burton
Available Downloads*presentation
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AbstractIDEAS was developed by SAIC in response to Navy requirements to reduce the time from flight test to updating the aerodynamic characteristics of an aircraft simulation. The overall program objective was to improve the Navy’s system identification capabilities, streamline data analysis process and create a uniform environment for flight data analysis. IDEAS was developed on a high performance workstation using existing and off-the-shelf programs and employed a data-driven, client/server model and was coded with modern, portable software methods.

The IDEAS structure consists of an information gateway that provides a user interface, data management capability and analysis tools. Thus IDEAS contains a database management system that provides for maneuver segmenting and analysis grouping. A general pre-processing tools (DATPAR) provides for basic math operations, unit conversions, wild point editing, filtering, smoothing, differentiation, axis rotation / translation and signal time synchronization. In addition, DATPAR provides specialized flight test tools that allow for total force and moment aerodynamic reconstruction and sensor measurement translation. Parameter identification tools include kinematic consistency analysis (NAVIDNT), equation error identification (Athena) and non-linear least squares output error identification (LSIDNT). NRTPID algorithms provide for overall control, data consistency and maneuver detect with multiple cooperating rules. IDEAS also contains a full six degree of freedom simulation.

The IDEAS parameter identification model provides a single, generic model used to represent aerodynamics, engine, gear, etc. This identification model can be an incremental model to existing system or total model. One-time source code change incorporates the IDEAS model into the existing simulation.

IDEAS has been applied to numerous aircraft including, S-3B, C-130MTT, PC-7 Mk II, F-18C, UH-1N, Vigilante, AH-1W and Guardian. The example presented was for the S-3 Operational Flight Trainer Flight Fidelity Upgrade Program. Flight test data analyzed included 360 degree heading changes, all axis doublets and 3-2-1-1manuvers. Analysis was completed and presented for instrumentation errors and aerodynamic coefficients. An example time history comparison was presented demonstrating improvements in simulation fidelity.

In summary, IDEAS been demonstrated to be flexible adapting to multiple aircraft/instrumentation systems and improving the fidelity of simulations.

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