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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 127 - San Diego, CA - November 2021
5.2 Historical talk: Lunar Lander Research Vehicle
TitleHistorical talk: Lunar Lander Research Vehicle
PresenterWayne Ottinger
Available Downloads*none
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractAbstract for the First Fly-By-Wire Aircraft to Fly in 1964 (With No Hydraulic or Mechanical Backups)
Analog -- Which Launched the 13-Year F8U Digital Fly-BY-Wire Flight Research Program

This paper describes the early 1960s technologies available to enable landing a vehicle in an environment lacking any aerodynamic forces with significantly less gravity and no runways, navigation aids or other assets which dominated the sixty years of human flight.

The VTOL experience at that time revealed both partial guidance including pitfalls to avoid, and reaction controls implemented in the X-15 program provided major foundations for engineers to accelerate design concepts maturing quickly under schedule and financial constraints always challenging.

The flight research culture at the NASA Flight Research Center, now the NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC) teaming with Bell Aerosystems provided the answers with the 30 month Lunar Landing Research Vehicle (LLRV) to help Grumman design the flight control system and NASA to train the astronauts with the upgraded training vehicle (LLTV).

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