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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 97 - Tahoe - March 2006
4.2 Research Institutions, Industry and University Reports
4.2.2 Universities Texas A&M
TitleTexas A&M
PresenterRaktim Bhattacharya
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractThe functionality of embedded systems is evolving from static dedicated systems to dynamic systems that adapt in real time to changes in the controlled system and its environment. The paradigm for system design and implementation is also shifting from a centralized, single processor framework, to a decentralized, distributed processor implementation framework.

Distribution and decentralization of services and components is driven by the falling cost of hardware, increasing computational power, increasingly complex control algorithms and development of new, low cost micro-sensors and actuators. Distributed, modular hardware architecture offers the potential benefit of being highly reconfigurable, fault tolerant and inexpensive. Modularity can also accelerate the development time of products, since groups can work in parallel on individual system components. These benefits come with a price; the need for sophisticated, reliable software to manage the distributed collection of components and tasks.

Reliability is an important issue in real-time embedded systems. The rising complexity in real-time systems is causing the verification gap to expand exponentially. Verification gap is the gap between the testing that is conducted and the required testing that needs to be done. Consequence of the expanding gap is lower reliability of products. This limits ability to grow and innovate as resources are engaged in fixing errors in the field. This has high cost implications as it is more expensive to fix problems in the field.

The presentation addresses reliability of real-time systems by guaranteeing robustness with respect to system uncertainty, communication uncertainty, computational uncertainty and uncertainty associated with product development.

The presentation concludes with a summary of other research activities. This includes formulation of atmospheric re-entry problems as a receding horizon control problem, a toolbox in MATLAB that allows rapid development of nonlinear trajectory generation. Other research activities are listed at

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