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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 131 - Newport News, VA - October 2023
4.1 Investigating Effects of Instantaneous Center of Rotation Location on Handling Qualities for Up-and-Away Tasks
TitleInvestigating Effects of Instantaneous Center of Rotation Location on Handling Qualities for Up-and-Away Tasks
PresenterJoey Duncan and Capt. Luke Babich
Affiliation773 TS/ENFA, US Air Force, Edwards AFB, CA
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractThe pitch instantaneous center of rota????on (ICR) loca????on for conven????onal aircra???? is typically located between the pilot sta????on and aircra???? center of gravity. With pitch effectors that generate large changes in normal force rela????ve to their pitching moment contribu????on however, the ICR can move ahead of the pilot sta????on, resul????ng in an opposite sign heave response to pilot input (i.e. pulling back on the s????ck results in a downward heave ini????ally). Past research has shown that an ICR loca????on ahead of the pilot sta????on tends to degrade handling quali????es, but the focus of those studies has been in the approach and landing phase only. This research was an effort to characterize the impacts of ICR loca????on on up-and-away tasks, specifically forma????on and aerial refueling using: 1) an in-flight simulator, the NF-16D Variable Stability In-Flight Simulator Test Aircra???? (VISTA), and 2) the NASA Ver????cal Mo????on Simulator (VMS), in both mo????on- and fixed-base configura????ons. Forward ICR loca????ons were found to correlate strongly with poor handling quali????es that could not be explained by short period response dynamics in all three simula????on cases (in-flight, mo????on, and fixed base). Pilot comments indicated that the opposite sign heave response was less a factor than the apparent ????me delay in normal accelera????on response. Further analysis was conducted into determining an effec????ve normal accelera????on ????me delay, which also correlated well with handling quali????es ra????ngs. However, the mo????on filters used in the mo????on simulator precluded the same analysis to be done, meaning that only the in-flight simulator data were used to inves????gate normal accelera????on ????me delay.

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