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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 98 - Williamsburg - October 2006
4.1 Government Agencies Summary Reports
4.1.4 NASA Langley Research Center
TitleLangley Research Center
PresenterCeleste Belcastro
Available Downloads*presentation
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AbstractIntegrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) systems offer the potential to improve safety, reduce costs, and improve performance in every aircraft class. However, many IVHM technology components are too immature for aircraft application and many tools for supporting their implementation in aeronautics applications do not yet exist. Over the next five years, NASA proposes to close IVHM technology gaps and create a sustainable pipeline of tools and techniques for developing and deploying IVHM technology.

Our concept for IVHM operations includes on-board and off-board components. The on-board function monitors, detects, diagnoses, prognoses, and mitigates damage, degradation and/or failures. In most cases, mitigation consists of notifying the flight crew or ground support, but the vision is to also include locally-activated response mechanisms such as self-healing materials. The off-board function provides fault and failure diagnostics to the ground crew, hazard information to ground support facilities, a birth-to-death database per part number, models of failure and degradation, environmental hazards models, prognostics-based maintenance scheduling, and fleet-wide trending and data mining. Models and databases in the off-board component can be up-linked to the on-board IVHM component for model updates during flight. Included in our vision for IVHM is achieving a truly integrated approach to vehicle health management. This approach would effectively integrate aircraft data, health state data, and hazard data. Integration of aircraft data with health state data would enable diagnostic and prognostic reasoning that can adapt to aircraft state and flight conditions as well as phase of flight. Vehicle-wide integration of airframe, propulsion, and aircraft system malfunction, degradation, damage, and failure information would enable improved diagnosis and prognosis under coupled failure mechanisms. Integration of hazard information in diagnostic and prognostic reasoning would enable the IVHM system to account for deterioration in performance and/or expected useful life as a result of ice accretion, electromagnetic disturbances, ionizing radiation, and onboard fires. We believe that integration of aircraft data, health state data, and hazard information will enable more accurate diagnostics and prognostics with decreased false positive and false negative rates by accounting for aircraft state, flight conditions, coupled failure mechanisms, and environmental hazards during all phases of flight that could otherwise be misinterpreted. The realization of this vision will take a long-term research investment.

Toward that end, we propose to develop technologies to determine system/component degradation and damage early enough to prevent or gracefully recover from in-flight failures. These technologies will enable nearly continuous on-board situational awareness of the vehicle health state for use by the flight crew, ground crew, and maintenance depot. To achieve this, we will advance the state-of-the-art in on-board health state assessment to enable the continuous diagnosis and prognosis of the integrated vehicle’s health status. One of our key contributions will be the incorporation of environmental hazard awareness with the more traditional electro/thermo/mechanical failure, damage and degradation mechanisms to more accurately assess the vehicle’s health state. Another of our key contributions will be the sharing of information between the various vehicle subsystems to more accurately determine the health of both those subsystems and the integrated vehicle. All of our proposed work supports the following three critical focus areas:
• Integrated continuous on-board vehicle health state assessment and management (detect, diagnose, prognose, and mitigate problems);
• On-board environmental hazard detection and effects mitigation (incorporate hazards into diagnosis and prognosis);
• IVHM system technologies (develop architectures to collect, transfer, and process data and tools to perform system-wide assessments).
Our approach is to:
• Develop and employ virtual and real sensors to assess subsystem states;
• Couple state awareness data with physics-based and data-driven models to diagnose degradation and damage caused by environmental hazards and electro/thermo/mechanical failures;
• Integrate sub-system information to provide diagnostics and prognostics for the integrated vehicle, including using data from one subsystem to provide information for another;
• Develop locally-controlled mitigation techniques to extend safe operation time; and
• Develop a public database and testing capabilities for IVHM technologies.
In the first five years, we will develop IVHM technologies in the three focus areas, as well as standard benchmark problems and metrics to evaluate health management system performance. This will give us confidence that the approaches that we have chosen are worthwhile for further development in the second five year period. A sampling of plans for the first five years includes:
• Techniques for on-board continuous assessment of structural health state, including detection through advanced sensor development, efficient diagnostic algorithms, prognostics with sensor data updates, and mitigation through self-healing materials and structures;
• Techniques for the on-board continuous assessment of aircraft gas-turbine engine gas-path state, including deterioration trend monitoring, and fault detection and isolation, and a wireless pressure sensor;
• Techniques for onboard continuous assessment of aircraft system health state including diagnostic and prognostics algorithms for complex electromechanical systems, electrical power systems, and avionics;
• Techniques for onboard detection and mitigation of hidden fires, engine icing, electromagnetic disturbances, and ionizing radiation;
• Design methods, architectures, communications protocols, and databases for distributed IVHM systems;
• Analytical, simulation, and experimental techniques, methods, and tools for verification and validation of IVHM technologies;
• Master simulation and experimental plan, metrics, and tools for assessing IVHM system safety and cost benefit.

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