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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 98 - Williamsburg - October 2006
4.2 Research Institutions, Industry and University Reports
4.2.2 Research Institutes and Companies Systems Technology Inc.
TitleSystems Technology Inc.
PresenterDavid Klyde
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractI begin this summary of recent activities at Systems Technology, Inc. with the unfortunate truth that several of our most interesting commercial consulting activities are protected by various non-disclosure agreements and several of our most recent DoD activities are protected by ITAR restrictions. Suffice it to say that we have some very interesting programs underway… I just can’t tell you about them.
On an “approved for public release” note, STI is happy to announce that our fourth annual STISIM Drive Conference will be held later this month. The host site for this year’s conference is MIT. Previous conferences were held at Cranfield University, UC San Diego, and Bosch Automotive in Stuttgart, Germany. Over the two day event 20 plus technical papers from more than 15 different organizations will be presented. Collected papers from two previous conferences were published in two special issues of the international journal – Advances in Transportation Studies. Paper topics included: driver training, driver impairment, lower limb movement variability in elderly persons, road safety evaluations, performance measurement paradigms, and driving simulation in a clinical setting. Next year’s event will be held in Rome, Italy at the University Roma Tre.
In other work, Systems Technology, Inc. (STI) under a Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program for NASA Dryden Flight Research Center is investigating the use of dynamic distortion to predict and alleviate loss of control. In terms of aviation safety this program is emphasizing loss of control associated with unfavorable pilot-vehicle interactions in general and pilot-induced oscillations in particular, especially those severe events associated with rate limiting. Some unfavorable pilot-vehicle interactions can be connected with “dynamic distortion” (i.e., dynamic differences between actual and idealized control system characteristics). Force feedback control elements to the pilot provide a means to develop cues that can offset the ill effects of dynamic distortion. When favorable, these can be considered “smart-cues.” Mechanizations for the various force feedback concepts have been developed and evaluated using STI’s flight simulator and a McFadden centerstick control loader. The control stick is representative of a legacy F/A-18 inceptor. Formal flight test evaluations will be conducted later this year using the Calspan Learjet in-flight simulator. Continuous closed-loop tracking task evaluations will be made in cruise flight using a head down display. Approach and landing evaluations will be made using the precision offset landing task.

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