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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 99 - Boulder - March 2007
5.1 Scan Eagle
TitleScan Eagle
PresenterCarol Wilke
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractThe combat-proven ScanEagle Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) is currently delivering high-quality, persistent intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) support for naval and land forces. The ScanEagle has a proven record of support to the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps delivering more than 31,000 flight hours of combat intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) in only 30 months of deployment to Iraq and with the Navy. This ISR support has enhanced tactical level decision making and improved ground force maneuvers.
The ScanEagle UAS is a product of a teaming arrangement between The Insitu Group of Bingen, Washington and The Boeing Company. This unique teaming arrangement combines the speed and flexibility of a smaller company with the expertise and world wide logistical support of a major aerospace company and brings these joint capabilities to bear on any challenges or problems that arise.
The ScanEagle is uniquely able to support operations to austere environments, as well as ships underway, and does not require a runway for launch or recovery or a complex infrastructure for ISR data collection, processing, or dissemination ensuring the smallest footprint possible.

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