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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 100 - Cocoa Beach - October 2007
9.1 Next Generation Air Transportation System
TitleNext Generation Air Transportation System
PresenterDr. Wilson Felder
AffiliationFAA Technical Center
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractThe antiquated National Airspace System is ill prepared to handle even the most conservative estimates of traffic growth. Economic impacts will be substantial unless changes are made. The Joint Planning and Development Office (JPDO) was established to coordinate Government efforts to transform the Nation’s air transportation system. The plan for transformation addresses required capabilities in three epochs, covering near, mid, and far term improvements from 2007 to 2025. Required developments for epoch I – through 2011 – are well understood and under acquisition now. Epoch II capabilities have been demonstrated in the laboratory, but required maturation before being deployed. Epoch III technologies require field and laboratory research before being acquired between 2015 and 2025. When fully implemented, the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NEXTGEN) will result in billions of dollars in savings to operators from shorter and more fuel-efficient routings. System operating cost will also be reduced, as will environmental impact. NEXTGEN envisions a portfolio of improved capabilities, four of which are examined here briefly in terms of implementation challenges. The increased role of the aircraft requires certification of avionics as well as continuous performance monitoring; network centric operations require innovative test and verification techniques to ensure security and safety in addition to proper operational performance; while 4D trajectories and self-separation demand the development of a new “theory of test” to provide sufficient assurance for deployment. NEXTGEN will be integrated at the FAA’s William J. Hughes Technical Center, the Nation’s leading laboratory for air transportation system RDT&E. The Technical Center’s program for NEXTGEN implementation consists of three initiatives: first, standardization of laboratory test processes culminating in ISO 9000 and CMMI registration; second, a new approach to the testing of complex systems using techniques developed for the reduced vertical separation minima (RVSM) and Flight Service 21 programs; third, collaboration with academia and industry to develop the required “theory of test” for NEXTGEN Epoch III implementation. Included is a closer partnership with airframe and avionics manufacturers in a proposed Aviation Research Park near the Technical Center campus. Finally, a closer interagency working relationship will address the 15,000 DoD aircraft which must be modified to participate fully in NEXTGEN.

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