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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 100 - Cocoa Beach - October 2007
4.1 Research Institutions, Industry, and University Reports
4.1.1 Research Institutes and Companies Aurora Flight Sciences
TitleAurora Flight Sciences
PresenterJim Paduano
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractAurora Flight Sciences has been a leader in unmanned aerial vehicle technology for research, defense and homeland security organizations for over 15 years, pioneering civilian and military UAV applications and continually pushing the limits of unmanned flight. Aurora’s business is divided into three primary sectors: science applications, tactical systems, and aerostructures manufacturing; and consists of four facilities: The Engineering Center & Corporate Headquarters in Manassa, VA, production facilities in Clarksburg, WV and Columbus/Starkville, MI, and the Research and Development Center (RDC) in Cambridge, MA. Aurora opened the RDC in January 2006 to further diversify its technology portfolio and integrate more innovative technologies into the company’s UAV products.
Jim Paduano briefly reviewed our 2007 portfolio of UAV programs, including the GoldenEye family, our high-altitude long loiter (HALL) vehicles including the Orion and the related Air Force Ultra Long Endurance (ULE) program, and the Excalibur vertical fixed wing VTUAV with a 350 lb payload and significant high-speed dash capability.
The RDC is focused on a number of SBIR and DARPA Phase I programs associated with multi-vehicle coordination, vision-based guidance and navigation, and advanced vehicle concepts. In the area of multi-vehicle coordination, our ongoing collaboration with MIT and hiring of former graduates has put us at the forefront of the drive to put recent research results into the field. Programs focused on coordinated search and track, coordinated USV/UAV/UUV teams, and interfaces for expeditionary teams are underway. In the area of vision, we are working on both state estimation and navigation, and unstructured (optic-flow) based guidance and control, where the latter is most applicable to MAVs and SUAVs operating in clutter environments such as urban canyons.

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