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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 100 - Cocoa Beach - October 2007
4.1 Research Institutions, Industry, and University Reports
4.1.1 Research Institutes and Companies Calspan
PresenterEric Ohmit
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractStatus reports on five recent Calspan projects were presented. The first is the Automatic Air Refueling project which utilized the Learjet (#2) variable stability aircraft as an unmanned air vehicle surrogate. This project flew from the Niagara Falls, NY airport while a KC-135 tanker from the New York Air National Guard served as the tanker test bed. An overview of the summer 2007 test program was presented. The second project discussed was the AFRL Sense and Avoid project. This project used the Learjet as a surrogate UAV and the purpose of the flight test program is to evaluate the ability of the onboard sensors to allow unmanned vehicles to share the National Airspace System safely with manned aircraft. This project accomplished flight test at Niagara Falls, NY during the fall and winter of 2006-7. Preparation of the aircraft is now taking place for a follow-on flight test phase during the fall of 2007. Another project discussed was recently begun at Calspan. It consisted of a study for AFRL to determine the preliminary design requirements for a fighter test bed to continue the automatic aerial refueling flight testing using an airplane that can actual perform aerial refueling. A status update of the Variable Stability In-flight Simulator Test Aircraft (VISTA) NF-16D was presented. The aircraft recently returned to Edwards AFB after depot level maintenance and Falcon-Up modifications at Hill AFB. It is now back at Edwards providing curriculum flights and testing for the Air Force Test Pilot School. Finally, an overview was given of a small project in which Calspan installed a low cost data acquisition and recording system in a Cessna 172 aircraft used for aerodynamic instruction at Daniel Webster College.

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