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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 100 - Cocoa Beach - October 2007
4.1 Research Institutions, Industry, and University Reports
4.1.1 Research Institutes and Companies Honeywell Tech Center
TitleHoneywell Tech Center
PresenterDale Enns
Available Downloads*presentation
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AbstractRecent control activities at Honeywell included the U.S. Army Micro Air Vehicle, the NASA Crew Exploration Vehicle, generic elastic launch vehicle, and autoland and rollout for commercial aircraft.

The Micro Air Vehicle is a ducted fan UAV that provides a hover and stare capability in vehicle that is small enough to be carried in a soldier’s backpack. This vehicle is controlled with a reusable control law called MACH which stands for Multi-Application Control. Honeywell has been involved with ducted fan vehicle development since the year 2000 starting with the Kestrel vehicle which provided basic waypoint tracking capability. Next we worked on the 29i vehicle which focused on wind rejection. The development of the Micro Air Vehicle added a capability for operation without GPS.

In the OAV-II DARPA program we focused on adding collision avoidance capability. The collision avoidance system added a ladar sensor to detect range to obstacles. This relative range was added to the vehicle position to form an evidence grid. The evidence grid was then used to modify the flight plan to avoid collisions. This capability was demonstrated with an unmanned Yamaha RMAX helicopter where we avoided wires, buildings and trees.

Our work on control of elastic launch vehicles has utilized dynamic inversion which requires full state feedback. We use state estimation to provide the states used for feedback. Special filtering has also been used to provide rigid body stabilization, phase stabilization of low frequency elastic modes and gain stabilization of the high frequency modes.

Honeywell Advanced Technology is supporting the development of the Crew Exploration Vehicle. Recent work has focused on re-entry control using reaction control system jets where the emphasis is on control logic which minimizes propellant used.

Recently Honeywell Advanced Technology has also supported the development of Cat III-B autoland and rollout guidance for the family of Embraer fly by wire regional jets.

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