Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee


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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 100 - Cocoa Beach - October 2007
4.2 Government Agencies Summary Reports
4.2.2 NASA Glenn Research Center
TitleGlenn Research Center
PresenterSanjay Garg
Available Downloads*none
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractThe new NASA program structure organized around the 4 mission directorates is summarized. The Aeronautics Research Mission is focused on NASA in-house research in advancing the knowledge about flight in air and conducting focused technology development to meet the high level goals of reducing the environmental impact of airplanes (reduced emissions and noise), increasing aircraft safety, and enabling the next generation airspace system. The new NASA Aeronautics program structure consists of 3 major programs: Fundamental Aeronautics (FA) , Aviation Safety (AvS) and Airspace Systems. The Controls and Dynamics Branch (CDB) at NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, is performing propulsion controls and diagnostics research under the following: FA: Subsonic Fixed Wing, Subsonic Rotary Wing, Supersonics, Hypersonics projects; AvS: IVHM (Integrated Vehicle Health Management) and IRAC (Integrated Resilient Aircraft Control) projects. The charts describe the CDB activities under IRAC in the Integrated Propulsion Control and Dynamics (IPCD) element. The IPCD element focuses on developing technologies to enable the propulsion system to serve as an effective flight control effector in the presence of damage to aircraft surfaces. The activities include investigating enhanced thrust response by raising the propulsion system operational limits, life modeling to allow safe performance and operating life trade-off, and adaptive control of the engine based on the flight control requirements.

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