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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 100 - Cocoa Beach - October 2007
4.2 Government Agencies Summary Reports
4.2.1 FAA Tech Center
TitleTech Center
PresenterStanley Pszczolkowski
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractThere have been several senior staff changes in the FAA: Hank Krakowski became the Chief Operating Officer of the Air Traffic Organization and Marion Blakey concluded her five year tenure as administrator, the deputy, Bobby Sturgel is acting administrator.

The FAA published the New York/New Jersey/Philadelphia Metropolitan Area Airspace Redesign Record of Decision. The current airspace structure dates from the 1960s with an adjustment in the mid-80s. This airspace includes 21 airports, four of which were among the top five in delays in the country (35%-45% of all arrivals at least 15 minutes late). The redesign is comprehensive, will be implemented over five years and contains features that could form the basis of the nation-wide transition to the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen).

The FAA also published the Operational Evolution Partnership (OEP) and the 2008-2012 Flight Plan. As stated by Marion Blakey in congressional testimony, the OEP “…will be the mechanism by which we inform our owners, customers, and aviation community of our plans and progress towards the NextGen vision…” It is a framework for the implementation of NextGen that aligns research and development with NextGen objectives and initiates a collaboration process with industry. The principal OEP domains are: Airport Development, Air Traffic Operations and Aircraft and Operator Requirements.

The 2008-2012 Flight Plan includes three new Performance Goals: Commercial Air Carrier Fatal Accident Rate, Operational Errors and Fill Mission Critical Positions. Three Goals have been revised: Total Airport Capacity at Seven Metro Airports, Noise Exposure and Cost Reimbursable Contracts. The plan also identifies seven NextGen transformational programs. Several of these programs recently entered the formal FAA development and implementation process. The FAA is also working with the Department of Defense Joint Integrated Product Team on improved unmanned aircraft systems access to the National Airspace System.

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