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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 100 - Cocoa Beach - October 2007
4.2 Government Agencies Summary Reports
4.2.3 US Air Force AFOSR
PresenterLt Col Scott Wells
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractA brief overview of the AFOSR Dynamics and Controls portfolio was presented by the current program manager for the program, LtCol Scott Wells. The program has a total of 64 projects, including core funded projects, AFRL lab tasks, STTRs, and 5 MURIs. Key areas of research in the program include: control and dynamics of single autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (trajectory/waypoint tracking, target tracking, collision and obstacle avoidance, integrated guidance and control, vision-based control); cooperative multiple agent UAV control (task allocation, path planning, tracking, state estimation, network theory/architecture, information theory, mixed initiative); aerodynamic flow control and control of unsteady phenomena; active waveform control; dynamics and modeling (modeling, identification and uncertainty characterization); general control theory (nonlinear, adaptive, hybrid); and Validation & Verification (V&V). LtCol Wells announced his upcoming retirement in summer 08 and gave an appeal for help in the search to find a replacement AFOSR program manager.

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