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MeetingACGS Committee Meeting 101 - Salt Lake City - March 2008
5.1 Modeling the Impacts of the A380 at Four Major United States Airports
TitleModeling the Impacts of the A380 at Four Major United States Airports
PresenterJennifer Morris
Available Downloads*presentation
*Downloads are available to members who are logged in and either Active or attended this meeting.
AbstractMajor airports worldwide are eagerly anticipating the introduction of the Airbus A380 aircraft into their fleets. But, this major advancement brings with it logistical issues and concerns. Are the airports ready? What will happen when the first A380 commercial aircraft lands at a U.S. airport? Will the runways and taxiways be able to accommodate the wingspan and weight of the new large aircraft? The Capacity Analysis Group at the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) William J. Hughes Technical Center is helping airport operators and air traffic controllers answer some of these questions by providing an invaluable tool - computer simulation expertise.

The computer simulation capability of this specialized team enables any airport to conduct a site-specific "dry run" of how the A380 will operate. The group of 13 FAA analysts - a unique blend of operations research analysts, computer specialists and mathematicians - has performed fast-time simulation work supporting studies at San Francisco, John F. Kennedy and Anchorage International Airports. These simulations are used to analyze the impact of the introduction of new large aircraft into the fleets of major air carriers. The results of some of these studies were published in a recent report by the General Accountability Office.

Analyzing the impact of new large aircraft at major U.S. airports is just one of many ongoing projects for the FAA’s Capacity Analysis Group. Over the course of the last 30 years, the group has continued to provide expertise to support design team efforts throughout the United States, and has participated as part of international consulting efforts in Germany, Chile, Israel and South Korea. They conduct Annual Service Volume Studies, used by the FAA Administrator in the response to Congress addressing the capacity of U.S. Airports and the ability of the National Airspace System to meet increasing demand. To date, the Capacity Group has completed over 130 Annual Service Volume Studies at various airports throughout the United States.

This talk details the fast-time simulation modeling efforts conducted at major airports for new large aircraft along with current initiatives in support of the Joint Planning and Development Office (JPDO) and the Future Airport Capacity Task (FACT2) Next Steps.

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